Thursday, February 21, 2013
This is a rather strange post for me. It is two pictures of our sidewalk (one with our house in view) and one of our alley. The reason I am posting this at 8:30 PM on Feb. 21, 2013 is this: I just got a letter from the City of Minneapolis saying my sidewalk is "not cleared", is "impassable", and that they will inspect it again in a few days. If my sidewalk is "not clear" when they "inspect it" they will fine me $105 and that is a deal because it will cost them $186 to do that. As you can see, my sidewalk IS clear. We are expecting another 3-5" of snow in the next 12-24 hours. I am assuming I will get inspected tomorrow and want proof that I have a clear sidewalk. Take a look at the clearing the City has done in our alley...