
Saturday, January 11, 2014


"Pooping pet"...obviously from Uncle Matt :)

Rebuilding a 4 headed Ninjago idea where he gets his obsession with order from...

Simply Cute Pictures

He takes surviving "earth events" in his dinosaur game pretty seriously

He nabbed an extra candy and escaped to the bathroom to see if he could get by without me noticing...clearly I noticed

Having Jack home for 2.5 weeks at the holidays wears out this old puppy

He accompanied me to acupuncture...and found it pretty awesome

Science Obsession

Raffaello & Doriana, a science obsession continues...He got an "Edible Chemistry Kit" for Christmas. In these pictures he is experimenting with what makes jelly...and is pleased that not only did the experiment work, but it also tasted good!

Fun Playdates

Stuffed animals joining the dance party

Walkie Talkies

Silly faces

Tired boys

Building a Tower

Excellent project out of one of his new books, "50 Science Things to Make & Do"

Misc. Christmas Day

Gift opening in new Spiderman PJ's from Grandma & Grandpa.

The gift bag he made for us (pic of what was in it is missing. I'll have to take another one...)

Scooby Doo "towel"

Dressed himself

No complaints with the results when he wanted to dress himself.