
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Early September


Jack & Charlie, aka: Backyard Treasure Hunters

Jan's hat


Trouble behind the wheel

First Homework

Jack got his first "homework" last Thursday. He is "my" kid - he came home and before even having lunch insisted he do it immediately and put it right back in his backpack to ensure he got his sticker on Monday.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Birthday Cake

Jack decorated Ang's birthday cake with Legos: a rooster, a shark, and flowers!

First Week of September

A little excited to be on the Trail A Bike!



MN Zoo

Getting fast on the scooter

He was tired at Costco

Major canning weekend

Red Park

Red is Jack's favorite color and we drive by this park a few times per week. He has wanted to go all summer because it is red. We finally biked there the other day! Lake Nokomis Red Park was a hit!

First Day of School

August 28/2013. First day of 4 day/week preschool at Annunciation!