
Monday, July 29, 2013

Mini Golf Birthday at the Sculpture Garden

Slinkies and Bridge time

All 3 boys loved the swing


Mini golf

Happy 5th Birthday Charlie! Jack was so excited to help you celebrate your big day (twice!).

Pitchfork Pie Stand

Jacque, Kim & Mary Ellen and I enjoyed a fantastic visit to the Pitchfork Pie Stand in Eldon, Iowa at the American Gothic House on Saturday. Amazing place, pie, and story.


Waiting for us to leave

A ride in the truck

Grandpa Greg's 1959 Apache (Greg - did I get that right???)

Put himself down for a nap

The boys

Fish cookie


Lunch with Ella & Kaden's look in this one.


Taking it all in before the festivities

Broken Oakley glasses...they made it 20 or so years...

Decided pools are fun

A little sleepy

J & Madison

J & Declan

J & Grigg

Madison, Jada, Grigg & Jack

Sarah & her june bug saving efforts


Just a few shots from our Witthuhn Reunion weekend in Wisconsin.


He raced me home from the neighbors' house..and won.

Jumps & Downs with G & D

Declan's contribution to the day!

Too hot for an outdoor park = Jumps & Downs day with Grigg and Declan.

Lillipops with Lilli

Fun times with Lillian and Lollipops.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

4th of July Visit

Frozen Yogurt with Grandma Jacque

Post fishing breakfast with Grandpa Greg

Bringing us snacks. He got apples, a muffin pan and delivered one to each of us

Fantastic 4th of July weekend visit with Grandma Jacque & Grandpa Greg! Yes, all the pictures are basically at meal times because Jack just doesn't stand still.

Late June/Early July

Out for Thai

Visit with Noah - showing him how to use the LeapPad

Jazzy & Jack

We had some close visitors on Lake Hiawatha last week, they ventured out of the water about 5 feet from us

Jack & Maddy

Hibachi dinner with the Neeley's