
Monday, June 24, 2013

Summer Break, Part I

Jack & Zoe

Bead animals

Jack, walking Sydney

Aquarium visit

"Snake worms" - as he is calling them

Jack & Lilly, playing in her backyard kid pool

Post Lilly's house


Taking in the really high water in Stillwater

Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day

Enjoyed a trail-a-bike ride and time at the park at Lake Harriet on Father's Day.

MN Zoo


Not sure what Ella & Jack are discussing

Gabby is barely poking her head up on the left :)

Fun outing at the MN Zoo with our playgroup last week. We didn't get any pictures of all of the kids, but did get a few cute ones of some of the kids.

Gymnastics Camp

Jack & Tessa had a great week of gymnastics camp last week. We took them for ice cream on the last day.

Visiting Fish

Charlie went to see his Grandpa and we got to keep his fish for the week. Jack enjoyed it and is still looking forward to Grandma Jacque getting a fish for her house :)

Rain Day

A rainy day Wednesday kept us indoors. This kid is a pro at Sequence and beat me at least twice as many times as I won (and I was not giving him any slack!).

Baseball Game

It was an excellent evening to go to the baseball game. Jack kind of paid attention to the field, but mostly enjoyed the huge group of bike messengers behind us. A huge group of adults willing to roar like dinosaurs!! They were confident they could wear him out but were highly unsuccessful in their quest. They did however, have some advice for us including, "you have an awesome kid - don't break his spirit"...we were highly amused by all of the entertainment of the evening.

Monday, June 10, 2013


It has been a busy day at home with a service tech here from our security company. The alarm kept being set off in an effort to fix the problem, hence, no nap (after gymnastics camp this morning). He brought a bunch of stuff to the living room, and made a "new bed for right now" under the table in the living room.

Yard Progress

Progress towards my quest to have a maintenance free backyard.

Dinner with Doriana & Raffaello

Farewell dinner at Burch Steakhouse with Doriana & Raffaello.

Ben's Birthday!

Jack had a great time helping Ben celebrate turning 5 at his Cosmic Bowling party.

Jack Loves The Dentist

Waiting for his appointment

Big Dog gets an exam

They sent him home with a mask & gloves
Jack loves the dentist - this time they sent him home with "gear". We have all had dental exams from Dr. Maurer-Green, including his new big dog. The exams are complete with brushing, flouride & floss.


Jack delivered a special birthday cake to Grandma Sandy from Dave & Barb. Of course he had to help her eat it (mostly only frosting for him).

Angry Catfish

There is a fake cow that sits outside by The Baker's Wife & Angry Catfish. Jack loves her and usually stops to give her a hug.

Last Day of Preschool

Jack had his last day of preschool last Thursday. We enjoyed a nice program performed by the class, then took him to his choice of restaurants - Tilia where he enjoyed his favorite - "Double Dogs" - he orders them without the sauce and onions, and takes one home for another day :)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


We were at "Cupcake" a few weeks ago and Jack got a "Cup of Mud" cupcake with a worm on it. He was not happy that the worm was only a little piece of gummy worm and not the whole thing (they are a treat - not something he normally gets). We had to make our own yesterday ...


Brandon brought these home the other day - yum!