
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Grigg and Jack, and Madison putting on a show.

Creative Movement Class

Jack & Charlie, enjoying their "Creative Movement" class at The Children's Theater.




He built a Lego city for one of his snakes. It went together in a very particular order. In the bottom picture the snake is enjoying the park (the green tiles) while making his way to the water (the blue tiles).

Jack & Lilly

Jack has given Lilly "favorite girl" status. The reason: she is not afraid of snakes or Scooby Doo.

Misc. Pics from the Last Few Months

Sue, tucked in, with dinosaur pillow cases, and (you can't see) pajamas

Hmmm...the face he made when he learned he had a playdate and it wasn't with Grandpa Greg at the fort a day after we returned from Iowa

Just a cute one, probably leaving for school

Grandma Jacque, Grandpa Greg & Jack

Building at "the fort"

Snakes & Iphones

Playing at Charlie's

Not sure where this is, but clearly we are out to dinner, soon after he cut his own hair

I went through pictures on Brandon's phone, and found some cute ones.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Visit with Grandma Jacque & Grandpa Greg

Yogurt breakfast, listening with skepticism to something

Mitchell & Jack on iPods

Sue came home from the Science Center with us

Dinner at The Latin King for Grandma Jacque's birthday

Borrowed gloves used to work on the fort



Being a bat

Sharing cookies

Jacque, Greg & Jack in "the fort"

Greg, Jack & Jacque  

Monday, April 8, 2013

Grandma Great's House

Maribelle & Jack

Raleigh, Quinten, Marley, Jack & Maribelle

Jack & Raleigh

Raleigh & B

Maribelle & Jack putting on a dinosaur circus

Grandma Great & Jack

Des Moines Science Center

Sue the T-Rex

Mitchell, Jack & Greg, digging for dinosaur "bones"


The newest weathermen


Space center, building with Legos


Back at Sue

Des Moines Science Center was a hit!