
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Coloring - On the Walls

He figured out the red we painted in his room is chalkboard paint. Let the fun begin!

MN Wild

Jack & Gavin took their dads to the MN Wild game on Saturday...Jack is hooked!

Easter Fun


FedEx delivery from Grandma Jacque & Grandpa Greg (note: he won't share with mom & dad)

Easter Egg coloring

Easter Egg coloring

Easter Egg coloring turned into T-Rex claws
Grandma Sandy & Madison

Pleased with Easter

Uncle Brandon & Madison

Getting tickled from Uncle Matt

Poor Uncle Matt

Finding eggs

  Smiles from Madison  

Happy Easter!

J's new shoes

My latest shoe acquisition for Jack.

With Ella

Enjoying coloring, followed by a dance party with his friend Ella.

Lunch with Grandma Sandy

Tilia with Grandma Sandy. Great foodie spot in Linden Hills that is also kid friendly - each kid is given an old school lunch box full of fun toys when they sit down. Also helps that the wait staff enjoy children...Fun for all!


Suddenly Jack is really into art again. Loving it!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Science Museum

A Tuesday visit to the Science Museum.

Our Backyard Lake

Enjoying the melt off. The ground is still frozen. Hence, our patio is continually becoming a huge puddle.

Como Zoo

Baby Arctic Fox, Jack said "Mommy! They have 2 Sydneys. We only have one. If we had 2 it would be horrible"...I didn't get an elaboration on why out of him, he is just sure 2 syds would not be a good thing.

Preferred the anaconda to the Conservatory


Anaconda, 13 foot long female


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Daddy is home with a Treat

Brandon brought Jack a lollipop - "Jackson's Lollipop" to be exact. It is about half the size of his head. He thought he should eat it all today. I refused.

Silly Kids

Jack & Lilly being silly

Misc. Week of March 19

Zoe, not sure why it is snowing on March 18

Apple juice, Starbucks Galleria, tired daddy in the background

Shopkeeper, demanding payment before handing over my fruit purchase

Very proud of this tower, which he jumped on immediately after the picture

Tore through the knee of a pair of pants, in the car he found it really funny to make the hole "bigger mommy!"

Our guest for our drive to school this week, pengiun, properly strapped into the 2nd carseat

Art of the week

We heard at conferences he is the best writer in the class, always getting asked to write on the board at group time because of his skills...we can't get him to replicate that at home but what they send home looks good!

What he drew for "our family" - included all dogs and some stuffed animals

This was his house that looks like a shoe, with doors for specific stuffed animals and dinosaurs

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Two days ago I tried to vacuum but the vacuum was not working well. I emptied it, no luck. Bought a new and replaced the filter, no luck. Perplexed as the vacuum is rather new and usually will vacuum up anything, I started to take accessories off to evaluate the issue. ALL of these items were shoved into the hose...problem solved!