
Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Visiting with Santa...

Holidays At School

Reindeer Ears...what he wore in "Santa's Workshop" in their preschool space

What Jack said he is thankful for...

He made this ornament

Williams Sonoma

Custom order or regular stock...?

Just Cute

"my hair is in my eyes....but DO NOT cut it" = barrette... :)

Misc. Earlly December

Science Kit from Doriana & Raffaello has started a new obsession...

Elmo & Ratty made their way into Mom's suitcase for a week in TX

Creations from Tessa's house

Child labor?

"Where did I put that!?!?!?"

Ready to watch the "big kids" in the Christmas program at Annunciation

Exploring "New" Museums

Prohibition Exhibit at the History Center with Daddy & Eric Johnson

Building circuits at the Bakken Museum with Charlie

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Horseback Riding

Red boots

Taking Old Man Stan to the indoor arena

Week 2, on Lucy

June 2012 we drove by stables and Jack decided he wanted to ride a horse. In passing, I told him he was too small but could when he turned 5. Of course, he did not forget. Thankfully Lazy Star Stables was able to give him lessons ON his 5th birthday. He loves it. Though we will be taking a hiatus for winter, too cold for mom & dad to watch!

Science Museum Birthday!

J, Lilli & Charlie take on the Science Museum

Positive outlook from these newscasters

Lilli getting her groove on

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Jack decided to take Lilli & Charlie to the Science Museum for his 5th birthday. Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Birthday Party

Jessie & Madison (she looks more excited once she gets cake)

Declan & Mike

Ronda & Declan


Birthday Boy (learning the concept of birthday month rather young)


The Red Fire Breathing Dragon - from Grandma & Grandpa - Jack has been patiently talking about this toy since September

Misc. Last Week

Pre-Halloween, scary gloves and spider ring

Declan, chill 4 month old

Helped me vote

Coffee delivery - thank you!

Ready for his 1st field trip

Break at 50th & France

He has a plan...not sure what it is but we are pretty sure he is working us.

Feeling better

Jack has literally been sick twice in 5 years. The week of Halloween brought fever, cough, no voice (hmm...), and no appetite. He didn't eat for 4 days (not exaggerating) and when he felt better he asked or Pizza Luce.

Sick on Halloween

John & Shannon let him trick or treat at their house early in the evening

Watching all the other kids, with a good attitude and no voice

We learned he is quiet when he is sick
Thank you Tessa's mom who saved him a gift bag at the school Halloween party