
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Post First Day of Preschool Lunch


Daddy drawing exactly what Jack requests, in the right color

Still sleepy

Glad to have Monkey with us after having to leave him in the car to go to school

Preschool, Day 1

Insisting on doing both buttons...himself


Listening to some button advice

Locker spot & name tag

Pick up time

One tired boy!

Annunciation School

Walking out with Daddy

First day was a success!

Hide & Seek

The "Seeker"

The "Hider"

And she found him!

Date Night

Date night, lobster & 2008 Saintsbury Pinot Noir.

Camera Shy

No more pictures...with a smile!

Bringing his red blanket along in the car, on an 85+ degree day

Not Sleepy

Conned mom into "quiet time" vs. "nap time" one day. In mom's bed. That lasted about 2 minutes...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


One at a time is boring

Enjoying lots of puzzle time on this rainy day!


Enjoying the view from the glass elevator at Children's Hospitals. There only to pick up school physical paperwork (thankfully!) - He starts next week!

Transit Station

New PlanToys Transit station is a hit! I swore I would never bribe him for good behavior. That has changed :)


New pajamas from Grandma & Grandpa. This is mid-afternoon Sunday, he refused to take them off.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Saturday Night

Enjoying a sucker from the waitress, after an impromptu (gasp!) pizza dinner with Jerry & Cindee on Saturday!

Grigg Turns 3

Dino Cake

Jack, Uncle Matt & his beard, Aunt Jessie & baby :)

Grigg's Grandpa Ron, Jack & the Birthday Boy

Brandon, in the bouncer...

Jack enjoyed Grigg's 3rd birthday party yesterday!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Fun biking and at the park on Wednesday.

Cute pictures

Crazy bedhead. I am sure he won't like that I have these pictures when he is older :)

BAD Bad Puppy

Madeline. Clearly not where she belongs.


Jack enjoying the morning.

The destruction.