
Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Enjoying Pita Chips at LifeCafe after mom & dad's yoga class.

Christmas Gifts - the "Hits"

Christmas morning Jack was very excited as he was confident he was getting a backhoe - and quickly opened quite a few gifts, and was trying to act like it was okay that there was no backhoe. Finally Brandon encouraged him that the big box should be opened - and sure enough, it was his backhoe (and front loader), big enough for up to age 7. Brandon's response to the size was "We may need to plan a sandbox expansion for next summer". Between the backhoe, train & Legos, he is one happy camper!

Christmas Eve

Enjoying the tools & accessories that go with his workbench

Motorized race cars from Uncle Matt & Aunt Jessie

Dinosaur puzzle from Uncle Mike, Auntie Ronda, & Grigg, enjoying the Grandpa time!

Using his tools - safely with his safety glasses: )

Enjoying the evening with Grandma Sandy & Grandpa Jim. We were quite impressed, he did not tear through the presents but opened them nicely one at a time and played with each one thoroughly before moving on to the next. We had to encourage him to speed it up once it got beyond his bed time :)


Little helper!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ready to go

Ready to go for coffee/chocolate milk!


NO tile



So some of you know that ever since we had our kitchen remodeled 6+ years ago Brandon has not liked the choice of tile for the backsplash. He picked out new glass mosaic and now we are in the process of getting new backsplash tile! We still have another 24 hours before we can grout it, but progress is being made and it is liked by all :)

Jack was a bit disturbed by the demolition process and kept asking "Daddy, are you breaking our house?", and then moved on to "Daddy broke the wall". Now he is telling anyone who will listen that daddy fixed the wall and did a "Nice job".

Asleep At Galleria

Yes, he is smiling while he is asleep! This is at Galleria, holiday shopping with Grandma Sandy. After lunch at Peoples Organic he just could not take anymore and fell asleep in his stroller. First time he has done that in months!

Holiday Train

Very excited to ride the Holiday Train @ Southdale.