
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Milwaukee Part 2

On the way to the pool, about 7 AM. 

Sharing his granola bar on the way home. After he found a winter hat in the back of the seat & played with that (see the hair).





Throwing in rocks

Big Rocks

Jack & Ang tagged along on Brandon's work trip last week to WI. Limited amount of time so sorry to WI relatives that we did not have a chance to visit :(
Took in the waterfront, the zoo, a lot of the hotel pool, and then back to MN!

Oakleys. Uncle Robbie: Mommy might need to stock up again on glasses without little boy scratches on them :)


Yes, they were taller than he is :)


We can not use adult sized carts at Kowalski's anymore, Jack needs to push his own cart :) Here he is looking a little perplexed by the dog food selection.

Como Zoo with Greta

Seal Den


Greta looking a little perplexed

And More Puddles

Went to Como Zoo in the afternoon, after a rather large rain storm in the morning. The kiddos were a bit more intrigued by the fun of the puddles than they were by the animals. Needless to say, they both went home soaking wet! I stripped Jack down to a diaper by the car before even putting him into his carseat and he went directly to the bath when we got home.
The next day the only activity he requested (over and over again) was "See Greta, find puddles" :)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Zoo with Grigg

Mike & Grigg

Grigg is afraid of the bridge, only if he looks down & realizes he can see through the slats. Jack took his hand & helped him cross. Super cute!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


One three minute shower and this is what I come down to. Vanilla protein powder (aka: Dirt) all over the floor. His response, "I found dirt"!!

Grandma & Grandpa's

Playing construction site with Grandpa.

Trying his hardest to get into the fridge

Jack spent the night of July 9 with Grandma & Grandpa.

Salsa La Cruz

Admiring Daddy's New Salsa La Cruz bicycle

Hanging out in the backyard & looking at Daddy's latest acquisition.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

More Milk

Milk at Angry Catfish. He is becoming a regular: walks right up to the barista & says "milk please" :)


Daddy & Jack at his first movie. We made it halfway through Cars 2. Had there not been almost 30 minutes of previews before the movie started he may have made it through the whole thing.

Tug of War

And post - ghost, the towel became tug of war with the dog. The dog won.


Jackson, being a ghost. Madeline wondering what the heck is going on.


Thank you to Borton Volvo for planning the construction site across the street during the time while we would be there buying a car. Nice of you to plan ahead for keeping Jack occupied :)


Enjoying a milk post haircut with Melissa while waiting for Daddy's mani & haircut.

Grandma Sandy's

His method for entering the kiddie pool at Grandma Sandy & Grandpa Jim's.


Jack & Madeline, deep in conversation.

New Dump Truck

Next to the bananas to get a size comparison. Yes, it is huge.


Time to start carrying his own stuff.