
Friday, May 27, 2011


In his seat, waiting for the Orchestra

Post concert

Took Jack to the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra today. Brandon & I have season tickets so I got the morning show one week and he LOVED it. We stayed about 45 minutes. He did wonderful, made friends with multiple elderly women who were taking in the morning show, and even told the ticket taker who welcomed him Shhhh - quiet in here.....

Playhouse Part II

Placed on its bricks in the backyard

I think he likes it

Checking the mail


This was about 3 blocks out of Matt & Jessie's house after Grandma's birthday breakfast.

Sharing with Charlie

Charlie is really happy Jack FINALLY decided Charlie could play with his crane - if only for a few minutes :)

Serious Jack

Enjoying the Outdoors

The neighbors are having a bunch of work done to their house. Jack is loving all the construction activity. We sit in front & watch. His standing up is when he is trying to convince me it is ok to get closer.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Side - two sinks & shutters

Front door & mailbox, which has a flag

Other side

Back, stove & Today's Menu sign

Inside, sink & faucets
So we built Jack a playhouse over the past day or so. It is raining here so it has not made it to its home in the yard yet but it will - hopefully soon,  :)

Washing Floors

Jack's idea of helping. Let's just say the kitchen floor got really really clean.

Outside - Finally!

New stuff in the planter - the transplants from last year did not make it.

Little Helper's Tools

Big Planter

Cedar Planter Boxes, Zoe won't be able to make snacks out of these ones :)

Back box

Side box

Garage box

Sydney - loving the weather

Peonies going in

Front box

Little Helper


Enjoying his bike helmet & sunglasses.


Relaxing with a movie. Absolutely could not get them both to look at the camera at once.

Where to go....

Rifling through mom's wallet....


These two are going to be trouble...too cute!


As a few of you have heard, I started an shop! Here are a few of the items. Please share with your friends!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I wish this was a video instead of a picture. He is opening the door and telling Madeline to come in for a ride :)


Obviously just thrilled to be in the car...

Build a House

House for Harvey & Percy

Open Gym With Grigg

Standing on the bench, looking outside after open gym.


Maddy literally sitting ON Sydney in her quest to see what was going on outside.


"Driving" that consisted of sitting on Dad's lap in the driveway :)


Burley & chocolate milk = Jack is happy.


Post Groom. The flower actually lasted a good week.