
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday, June 24

Checking on the garden
Loves the stepsHelping with the wall caps


Starting to take shape. Fingers crossed the weekend weather holds, we are on the precipice of being 100% finished but need a few days of good weather to wrap up details!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Yard, Sunday June 20

PathwaySandy - put to work!As of Sunday nightSunday nightJack, watering things downJack enjoys the hose, thanks Uncle Matt!Chill time
Supervisor, looks a little stern!Jack doing his sharePlanter box, plants going in!

Father's Day

Father's Day  - not exactly restful!

St. Louis Zoo

HUGE tortoises.The elephants were a favorite of the day.
Jack enjoyed the railroad.

City Museum, St. Louis

The City Museum was an experience! The entire concept is about exploration so there are literally no maps/guides - you just explore this huge 10 story building. The Toddler Floor wore Jack out in about 90 minutes.

Good Little Road Tripper

Amusing himself in the car.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


We are very excited to get our first CSA box today! Can't wait to see what we will explore this summer...

Yard Update

Where we sit as of Wednesday. Unfortunately the next few evenings/weekend may be a washout with the rain.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Sunday, June 6 PM

Charlie, post ice water "bath" and deciding he is not going to share the two beers :)

Charlie & Brandon
John - full time help! John has been here every day and has put in tons of work.
Charlie - made quick work of leveling the wall
End of evening, Sunday, one week, one day in!
Had to stop for the day to get ready for dinner - great friends & great food.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Jack & Brandon, Thursday PM

Jack & Brandon


Just about done!Resting spot for tired tools.Getting there!More "catch"John & Brandon played "catch" with most of the bricks! No misses - thankfully!Strategy session.Just getting started.Jack & Grandpa, our morning babysitter!1.75 tons of sand.