
Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Final cake from Class #2. Very fun - and our neighbors are being innundated with cake and cupcakes.


Jack LOVES water bottles, we have a few colors but green seems to be his favorite. Or maybe that is just because the green one is Ang's and that is the one he sees the most.


Jack as we finished our afternoon at the MIA. Note - Jack is still asleep.
So - the master plan of exposing Jack to some fantastic art did not go exactly as planned, but mom & dad had the opportunity to enjoy the museum :)


Jack about halfway through our visit to the MIA. Note - Jack is still asleep.


We decided to take Jack on his first trip to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts ( on Saturday (March 28, 2009). These pictures were taken as we arrived at the MIA. Note Jack is asleep.


Deep in conversation with Dad, March 27, 2009.