
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Franconia Sculpture Garden

Explored the Franconia Sculpture Garden.


Kinni trip last Sunday.

Late July

Late celebratory dinner for our 10 year anniversary @ Spoon and Stable. Jack was the only person under about 25 and loved it. 

Putting gear away after a riding lesson, another little friend came along last week to watch. 

Forgot his sunglasses. 


On his way to sleepover at Lillian's!  Yes, he made it all night.


2 visits at the dentist in the last two weeks, awaiting while watching the fish and the second is post-sealants, which he decided taste very bad but are really very good for us.

Oceanographic Museum, Monaco

Jack is very interested in sea life and wanted me to post the pictures from the Oceanographic Museum.


Beautiful little city in the mountains.